Current and laylines

Starting from iRegatta version 4.12.0 for iOS and version 3.63.0 for Android, iRegatta will also take current into the account when calculating Laylines.
You can type in current direction and speed, or you can let iRegatta detect current, if you have compass heading and speed through water as NMEA input.
Read more about it in the users manual:
Transas on-line sea charts in iRegatta

Starting from next release of iRegatta, the iOS version will be able to display Transas on-line sea charts as an alternative to the Apple maps.
It's important to underline that these are not off-line maps that are stored and rendered on the device, it's map tiles that are downloaded when needed at different zoom levels, very much in the same way as when you display the satelite overlay in Apple maps.
BUT - iRegatta will offer the option to cache the Transas map tiles on the device, which gives you two advantages.
HUD postponed - UPDATED
Unfortunately Recon Instruments have just postponed their release of the "Jet" from late spring to September 25th, so unfortunately that means no eyeRegatta for this summer in the northern hemisphere.
recon Instruments have just postponed theit Jet glases to January-March 2015... So don't wait up!
HUD for iRegatta

Heads Up Display is comming to iRegatta this summer.
iRegatta will come with a new "eyeRegatta" feature this summer, based on the "Jet" Heads-Up display glasses from Recon Instruments (
Development is on it's way, but the Jet glasses are not yet available on the marked, so when exactly this will be available cannot be confirmed right now.
Drop pin on map as waypoint
When adding or editing waypoints in iRegatta, you can now tap the "Map" button from the add/edit waypoint view, to get to a map where you can "drop a pin" to set the position of the waypoint. Simply long tap on the position on the map, and the pin will move to that position.
This feature is available from version 3.36.0, that should be available on all platforms within 24 hours.
For all iPad1 users...
iRegatta 3.35.0 unfortunately crashed on all devices with iOS versions lower than 6.0, like the iPad1.
Now you should be able to downgrade again to the latest working version.
App store will tell you that an update is available. If your device hasn't iOS 6.0 or higher, it'll ask you if you want to install the latest version for your device, accept that and you'll get version 3.30.1 and you should be back in buisness.
Sorry for the inconvinience.
Regards Thomas
Problem with iRegatta on iPad 1
Since the release of iRegatta 3.35.0 users with iOS versions prior to iOS 6.0 experience crash after startup.
This is often seen on iPad 1's, cause it cannot be upgraded to iOS 6.0.
I'm quite surprised the upgrade made it through Apples approval procedure with a fault like that!
I'm currently working with Apple on how to restrict devices with iOS versions lower than 6.0 from downloading iRegatta 3.35.0, and again make the previous version available for iPad 1 users - hopefully we will come to a solution pretty soon.
New company name

"Let's Create", the maker of iRegatta, has changed company name to "Zifigo".
Please update your web browser favorites and/or links from to and contact e-mail address from to
iRegatta 3.35.0 with Pebble 2.0
Version 3.35.0 of iRegatta is upcoming, including these new features:
- Import of existing track files (csv format), good if you want to use the newly added "Post Race Analysis" feature on older tracks.
- Post your tracks on facebook, including duration, distance and max speed directly from iRegatta.
- Extra features in the Pebble interface.