Pursuite start in iRegatta 3.07.0

Some handicap races use a pursuite-type start, where you are starting at a pre-specified time. iRegatta now has this feature added to the Start View.
Tap the timer button in the lower right corner, and you'll see a view where you can set at what time your start is. If you tap "Save", iRegatta will start counting down to that time.
You can leave iRegatta and come back, and it'll still be counting, but do NOT touch the "Pause" or "Sync" buttons, that would invalidate your start time.
3.07.0 is aailable for Android, while the iOS version is awaiting Apple approval.
3.06.0 Race course waypoints made easier

In the upcoming version 3.06.0 of iRegatta, it's been made easier to prepare a race course with waypoints and update it while you go around the course.
When creating a route, you now have 4 new waypoints you can put in your route: Buoy 1, Buoy 2, Buoy 3 and Starting vessel.
So before the race, you prepare a route with the course you are going to race (ex. Buoy 1, Buoy 2, Buoy 3, Buoy 1, Buoy 3, Starting vessel - This would be a "triangle-sausage" type of cause.
iRegatta 3.05.0 works with iPolar

KND-SailingPerformance ( has developed an app to predict polars for Crusing Yachts.
iRegatta will be able to import these polars directly from the iPolar App, starting from version 3.05.0 of iRegatta. The update has been submitted to Apple for approval, so it should be available within 2 weeks.
(iPolar is an "iOS only" app, so this feature will of cause only be available in the iOS version of iRegatta).
Version 3.03.0
3.03.0 is released on Android and in the approval process at Apple.
A couple of new features are included:
1. While counting down to the start, a polar is projected on top of the boat position, showing how far you can sail in any direction according to your polar. this should help you estimate if you can reach the other end of the line before the gun.
2. If tracking with "Extended logging", Performance percentage is added to the file.
iRegatta in Simrad GoFree comercial
I just learned that iRegatta is mentioned in Simrads new "GoFree" comercial - I suppose that means they've tested it and found it works with their hardware (haven't herad from them).
iRegatta mentioned for a few seconds 1:16 to 1:20
iRegatta on Android continues after all
In the last week I got many mails from user encouraging me to continue the work with iRegatta on Android - thanks a lot for the support.
I've decided to give it another chance, and continue the development parallel with the iOS version. After all, the basic work is done, and from here it'll only be added functionality...
The main issue is the diversity in Android hardware, so I would like to encourage all iRegatta Android users to go to the forum and tell what device and Android version you are using, and let other (or new users) know if you experience any problems.
iOS 6 WiFi problems
There are quite a few reports on the internet about devices not beeing able to connect to Ad Hoc WiFi networks after updating to iOS 6.
So if you are running iRegatta with NMEA input from a Ad Hoc WiFi network, you should consider to pospone your iOS 6 update till iOS 6.0.1 (or what ever the first maintainance release will be) is available.
- Read more about iOS 6 WiFi problems
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With the new iOS (and the development tools that come with it), the original iPhone and iPhone 3G will no longer be supported. It'll no be possible to submit updates that support these devices.
iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S and 5 will still be supported.
All 3 iPad generations should still be supported, even though iPad1 won't be able to upgrade to iOS6, but that doesn't effect iRegatta.
- Read more about iOS6
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Android versions will be discontinued
iRegatta will be discontinued on Android platform by October 2012.
Only iOS version will be supported and continue development!
This also goes for droidAIS.
This is due to the challenges to make iRegatta and droidAIS work on all Android devices.
Some devices perform allright, others fail, behave strange or are limited.
Some Android implementations are malicious or not reliable, while others perform floor less.
This makes it hard (or close to impossible) to create an app that performs as expected and has the quality level I would like to supply.