eyeRegatta Progress
EyeRegatta will be a limited edition of iRegatta, simply caused by the smaller display and the limited input options.
The plan is to make eyeRegatta work in 3 different modes:
- Standalone - in this mode eyeRegatta will work only with the Jet's build in GPS. This is pretty similar to iRegatta with the "Basic" In-App-Purchase.
- NMEA connected - this will connect to a NMEA-to-Wifi device and/or a Bluetooth LE device to get data input. Similar to iRegatta with the "NMEA" In-App-Purchase.
- iRegatta connected - this will mirror data from iRegatta running on a phone or tablet.
Now this is the plan, but that might be altered as development progresses.
To run eyeRegatta, you'll need iRegatta running on a phone or tablet. Data entry and setting up preferences will be handled in iRegatta and synced with eyeRegatta over bluetooth.
To start with, the changes needed in iRegatta will be made on iOS first and later on Android.
Bumps on the route
The "Standalone" mode is about ready to run, but Recon haven't published their SDK (Software Development Kit), that will enable me to make the Bluetooth LE connection to iRegatta of syncing. It's supposed to be published within a couple of weeks - but you never know.
The second bump is publishing eyeRegatta. Recon don't have an App Store, so publishing the app isn't straight forward. They might have an App Store for free apps pretty soon, but paid apps may first be available later. I need to figure out how to handle that. The solution might be to license eyeRegatta through an In-App-Purchase in iRegatta.
I've added an "eyeRegatta" category to the forum on zifigo.com for eyeRegatta discussions.