Lost TCP connection - help is on it's way on iOS
Some iPhone/iPad user experience that they are loosing the connection to a NMEA to WiFi device after some time (depending on hardware).
The TCP protocol doesn't help detecting this problem, as only a sending device will realize that the connection is broken, a receiving device get's no errors, it just keeps waiting for data.
Forums are closed
Due to heaps of Forum spam, I've decided to close down the forums.
I tried all kind of measures, but forum hackers keep posting, and I don't wan't to use any more time for daily cleanup and IP-blocking.
Sorry for this to all "real" forum users.
I've created a new forum at an external forum provider. All old posts are lost (sorry for that), but I hope this will give us a forum without anoying spam!
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Some Android devices "lie"
iRegatta checks up with the device what features are available, but unfortunately som devices return wrong informations, that may cause iRegatta to crash.
We've seen some cheap tablets bought with the sole purpose to run iRegatta with WiFi input. Some of these devices have no GPS, but when iRegatta "asks Android" if there's GPS available, Android returns YES, causing iRegatta to crash when the non-existing GPS is initialized.
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iPhone/iPad problems after update to 3.xx.x
Some users experience emidiate crash after startup, after updating to version 3.xx.x from a 2.xx version.
This seems to be caused by a saved app state from the previous version, that lead to a crash, or maybe it's caused by this issue.
The workaround is to remove iRegatta from the device (long tap on the iRegatta icon and then press the X in the upper left corner), and reinstall it from the App Store. Don't worry - the App store won't charge you again.
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New Android AIS app
droidAIS is a new Android AIS app. It'll show your AIS information on a map, using the free "OpenSeaMaps", allowing for offline maps as well.
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iRegatta 3.01.0 features
3.01.0 for Android has been released, and is in the review process at Apple for release to the App Store.
Besides a few bug fixes, 3.01.0 now allows waypoints and routes to be edited.
In iOS, tap the "Edit" button in the waypoint list view, and tap the waypoint or route you want to edit.
In Android just long tap on the item, and choose "Edit" from the popup.
Count Down in the start view can now be adjusted from within the view. Use the new + and - buttons.
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iRegatta AIS bug
There's a bug in the WiFi AIS parsing in both the Android and iOS versions.
For Android a new release (3.00.3) has been published, that hopefully solves this, for iOS a new version (3.01.0) has been submitted for Apples approval, and is expected to be available within 2 weeks.
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AIS also added to iRegatta for Android
Version 3.00.0 has also been released for Android, including an AIS radar.
Now with Tracking, Maps and AIS added to the Android version, iRegatta on Android and iOS are now on the same level.
The only difference is the ability to "shoot" wind and objects for cross bearing on iOS, which is not added to Android.
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AIS is coming to iRegatta

iRegatta 3.00.0 for iPhone/iPad has just been released, and with that an "AIS radar" is added to iRegatta. This is of cause only working if you have the hardware to transmit NMEA AIS data over WiFi.
It's not in the Android version yet - but hopefully it'll be with in short time.
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