Version 3.30.1 for iOS

Besides bug fixes, the new version has bigger buttons in the iPad version and generally higher contrast on the button ikons. This should improve the user experience when using iRegatta in bright sun light.
Android update

A new version is now available for Android, including the In-App purchase for Post Race Analysis, that iOS users got some weeks ago.
Along with the new feature, this version also has an update on button graphics. They are now at higher resolution and better contrast.
Post Race Analysis
In version 3.30.0 of iRegatta, there will be the option of buying a new feature called "Post Race Analysis". Below there is a brief description of how it works:
With this in-App purchase you'll be able to analyse your racing if you have tracked it.
Based on tracked wind information and position/course and speed, iRegatta will split your track into up and down wind legs, and each leg will be devided into starboard and port tacks.
Pebble and iRegatta
iRegatta now supports the Pebble Smartwatch.
Starting from iRegatta version 3.20.0, you can get iRegatta data onto your Pebble, and you can control the start view from the Pebble.
Race View will display COG and SOG from the iRegatta race view, and also the lift indicator. At the bottom you also got your trip max speed.
Start View will display the countdown and the distance to line. You can start, pause, sync and reset the countdown using the Pebble buttons.
Start line View will let you ping the start line ends using the Pebble buttons.
NMEA2000 and SeaTalk support
I'm currently adding NMEA2000 and SeaTalk support for the iOS version of iRegatta, using the DMK box, and NMEA2000 using
Actually the current version of iRegatta already supports NMEA2000 from the DMK box and, I just didn't advertise it because it needed a little more testing. So far all basic input for speed, position, heading, wind etc. seems to work, but NMEA2000 AIS information and waypoint information isn't added yet.
Slight simplification of the Start View
Version 3.14.0 has brought slight changes to the start view.
The idea was to remove some buttons and make it easier to operate the most common task.
So from now on, simply tap the numbers to start the count down. If the count down is running, tap the numbers to sync to nearest minute. These are the most important tasks with the count down, the numbers are like a bigger button.
iRegatta vs iRegatta Pro

Now (finally) we have an iRegatta and iRegatta Pro for both iOS and Android.
New price structure in the near future
Today iRegatta costs the same as it did almost 3½ years ago, when it was only a speed, VMG, distance to start line and countdown tool.
A lot of features have been added for free all these years, but the price has remained 10 USD.
3.08.0 News
A couple of new features have been added to iRegatta again.
The BWC sentence has been added. So if you receive BWC sentences, iRegatta can use that as navigation target. In case you want to disable that feature, there is a new setting to ignore BWC sentences.